- planning & environment List
- reference No.P2367/2011
- Permit Application no. PLN10/0678
Multi Storey Residential Apartments & Retail Shops
Application under Section 77 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987; Yarra Planning Scheme; Business 1 Zone; Heritage Overlay:
Issues:- External Amenity Impacts to an adjoining residential zone. Reduction of Car Parking; Proposed Amendment C140; Appropriateness of Building Height and Form; Equitable Development & Internal Amenity. Responsible Authority seeking to limit building heights to two stories in a major shopping centre.
Numerous Parties, Legal representation and multiple Expert Witnesses; Panel Report on Amendment C140 published during the Hearing with direct bearing on outcome. 3 Hearing Days plus 2 Mediation days and 1 Practice Day Hearing
Extract of Order 14 th September 2012
‘The decision of the Responsible Authority is set aside.’
‘In permit application PLN10/0678 a permit is granted and directed to be issued for the land at 305-311 Smith Street Fitzroy in accordance with the endorsed plans and subject to the conditions set out in Appendix A’.